I went on a pilgrimage to this book store and I got my enlightenment.
Flavours of interesting book collections - Covid-19, China - HK relations, HK's fight for democracy.
Hong Kong is the new frontline in the modern clash of values.
But these got my attention for obvious reasons.
China & India will be the most important marginal drivers of global GDP by 2050.
I loved the interior, I just sat there enjoying my time reading.
Space is cleverly utilised to display the store’s somewhat limited yet fantastic collection of classics, second-hands, paperbacks, hardbacks and more, leaving just enough room to comfortably fit in a few chairs for those who really want to fully immerse themselves in a good novel or two.
As I was about to leave, I came across this book......
Hong Kong kids ABCD version :)
Sometimes we read to get entertained, sometimes to learn.... But we must read to challenge our perceptions and make this world a beautiful place.
In spite of everything.... The art of bookselling under Hong Kong's national security law looks something like this.